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Our Privacy Policy

We at HexForum.com believe in strong personal privacy protection. We collect and use personal data only as necessary for providing our services, operating our website, and communicating with our users. This may include data such as email addresses or names obtained through our contact form, which are exclusively used to address your queries or concerns about our services.

We pledge not to use this data for unsolicited communications or advertising. Our communication is tailored to your requests and inquiries, maintaining a low footprint and ensuring you only receive information you have expressly asked for.

When you sign up on our website, the information you provide, such as name, email address, and other relevant data, is securely stored on our servers to enable the functionality of our platform. We respect your privacy and do not require real name information; pseudonyms or nicknames are accepted.

Use of Cookies and Scope of Data Processing

We employ cookies to enhance the usability of our website, optimize user experience, and deliver personalized content. Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer system by your web browser. They allow our website to recognize your browser when you revisit.

As the user, you have complete control over cookie usage. You can deactivate or restrict cookie transmission through the settings in your web browser. Additionally, cookies that have been stored can be deleted at any time. However, disabling cookies for our website might limit your access to some of our features.

Data Retention

We retain your personal data for as long as necessary to provide the services you have requested, or for other essential purposes such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our policies.

Third-Party Services

We utilize commercial search engines for queries. These engines may use cookies to analyze your use of our website. Some of this information, including your non-anonymized IP address, might be transferred and stored on the search engine operator's servers. The search engine operator may use this information to analyze your usage of the website, compile reports on website activities, and provide additional services related to website and internet use.

We also use iframe technology to incorporate external content, such as videos from YouTube or posts from Twitter. This technology may transfer data like your non-anonymized IP address or access date to the external provider.

Your Rights

You have the right to access, correct, delete, and object to processing your data. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at the email address provided.


For any privacy-related inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

This policy is subject to change and was last updated on June 23, 2023.