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Inspera Exam Portal - What is it?


For the third year, the University of London decided to hold assessments online instead of in person exams in learning centers.

This year however, the university decided to use a surveillance software to conduct the online assessments.

Inspera is a browser based solution for proctored online exams. They describe their software with the following 6 major features:

The Inspera Browser locks your Computer via a screen lock. After you've started the exam, you will not be able to tab outside the browser, open the task manager, file folder or do anything other but write on your keyboard. The browser prevents you from using copy paste shortcuts or open any other application.

Furthermore, the software behind the browser records you via webcam and microphone. The recordings are stored in the background on your own computer, so that there is no need for a internet connection during the whole exam.

So far, these things sound terrible, but one could argue that they are necessary. The problem starts, however, with the question, what Inspera with all that data does. Hidden behind lots of advertising and marketing talk, they tendentious talk about their ability to obtain, access and utilize statistical and behavioral data.

What does that mean?

It means, that Inspera is not only recording you and listening to your surrounding, they automatically analyze all this data and build a comprehensive behavioral profile about you during the exam. Proctorio, another software solution for E-Exams, went as far as analyzing head and eye movement to statistical determine, if you were focused during the exam or if your eye movements were suspicious. This went so far, that teacher were able to get access to this data.


Scary and terrifying stuff. So you better get your office or sleeping room or whatever place you're writing your exam at in order, because some people in some offices somewhere around the world will have access to video recordings of you writing a 3 to 4 hour long exam.

Some say necessary, some say Orwellian dystopia, but we sure can thank all these very honorable students, who thought it was a good idea to pay academic tutors money helping them cheating their way to a degree.